To go hand-in-hand with the launch of CUPAL Beauty’s newest skincare supplement series was a strategic above-the-line advertising campaign helmed by us. To build awareness and educate the community of the new product line, the campaign took the form of traditional and digital advertising, from TVC, online videos, to print and out-of-home displays. We liaised with a local celebrity to take part as the spokesperson of CUPAL Beauty for the video production of the TVC. We also revamped the existing Facebook page and created a content plan, which included mini games to provoke excitement and buzz from the community over the new product. 產品推出後的第2年保持沿用紅、白的概念,並由新一任的代言人-湯洛雯以年輕有活力的形象帶出新一系列的平面廣告及社交媒體的推廣。 與此同時湯小姐亦為新產品-美白丸擔任代言人,為我們帶出360˚亮白無瑕肌膚的美麗形象。宣傳媒介包括巴士車身、燈箱及一系列的社交媒體推廣。
Using "Red & White" to represent acne and prefect skins
CUPAL Beauty 全效淨痘飲 壓力篇
CUPAL Beauty 全效淨痘飲 防禦篇
CUPAL Beauty 全效淨痘飲 外敷篇
CUPAL Beauty 全效淨痘飲 煩惱篇
besides the Online video and MTR billboards, our media coverage cover over 100 route of bus
In the next year, we keep "Red & White" concept but in a sporty way, in order to widen customer base to younger people and announce our Spokesperson has been changed
Roxanne Tong as our new product line spoken person. Surrounded by helium balloon to show her white and prefect skin
bus body and shelter cover over 100 route of bus